09 March 2010

Set for Summer!

I got some truly excellent news this weekend: I've been accepted into an NSF-funded summer REU at the University of Minnesota, working with a professor in the Institute for Rock Magnetism! Finally, I know what I'm doing when I get back to the USA. This is huge. If I'd ever had any doubts about my possible future in geology, they've dissipated completely. This? This is exactly what I want to do.

Being a weird kid and non-party-goer, I celebrated by eating an unreasonable amount of chocolate, trying pear cider (my second-ever alcohol), watching a movie with a few friends, staying up terribly late, and taking artsy photos of my farmers' market purchases.

The content of this blog has, so far, deviated immensely from my normal photographic tendencies. Usually, if I'm given free range with a camera, I end up with shots like these. (Readers who've seen my other photography blogs knew this already.) Pardon the break from informative travel blogging. =)

Also, I've been here for a month. Whoa.

Kia ora!

- Becky


  1. Becky, You're quite the budding photographer!! When this page opened and I saw only the top half of the first photo, and the title "ready for summer" I thought that was your shaved head!!!!
    Thanks for that vision!! Keep up the blog, very nice.

    Uncle Alan

  2. okay, okay... "Set for Summer"

  3. Hee, thank you! I really appreciate it - thanks for commenting, and thanks for the lovely compliments.

    - Becky
